Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Development of Nurse Practitioners - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1039 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/02/06 Category Nursing Essay Level High school Tags: Nurse Practitioner Essay Did you like this example? The development of nurse practitioners commenced in the late 1950s, physicians mentored nurses who had clinical experience. More physicians began to specialize in medicine leading many areas into a shortage in primary care. Starting in 1965, Medicaid and Medicare programs provided coverage for low income families, elderly, and people with disabilities, increasing the demand of primary care services. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Development of Nurse Practitioners" essay for you Create order Due to so many physicians not specializing in primary care anymore they were unable to meet the demand. Nurses believed they were qualified to step up and expand their role to meet the need. Two individuals by the name of Loretta Ford and Henry Silver created the first training program for nurse practitioners. The program’s studies focused on health promotion, disease prevention, and the health of children and families (How Nurse Practitioners Obtained Provider Status: Lessons for Pharmacists). Societys demand for primary care services and nurses’ potential were the reason for the development of nurse practitioners. More than half a century later their roles have branched out from primary to also acute and specialty care for patients of all ages. They are important to having a healthy community and their positions will continually need to be fulfilled. By 2026, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the nurse practitioner profession will have grown by 36% compar ed to 37% for physician assistants and 13% for physicians (â€Å"Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits New Record High†). However, there are many advantages and disadvantages of being a nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioners are constantly needed because of their abilities to do a gamut of tasks and primary care services. Alternatively, a career as a nurse practitioner has several disadvantages. Other than the extensive training, finding a job after graduating can be very difficult because many employers look for experienced providers. The more diverse background, the more likely they are going to be hired. Not to mention they work long hours and there may be on-call expectations, Dr. Stephen Ferrara says, â€Å"I am not the biggest fan of being tied to a pager/cellphone.†(â€Å"The Pros and Cons of Being a Nurse Practitioner†). They work at least 40 hours including weekends and night shifts if they work at hospitals. Long hours may affect the nurse’s family and social life. Nurse practitioners have more control over their hours when they independently practice or work in non-emergency clinics. Also, nurses in clinics or hospitals have higher risks as they are ex posed to blood, contagious diseases, or side effects of any chemicals and medicine they are around. If they are not cautious, they can develop the disease they come in contact with. Another challenge they could face are legal risks because in most states nurse practitioners can diagnose, treat patients, and prescribe medicine. This leaves them open to lawsuits from patients that believe they are a victim of malpractice. This occurs if patients are unhappy with their treatment, do not recover, or medications are given in the wrong doses. In addition, if the patient dies the patient’s family may also file a lawsuit against the nurse practitioner. Malpractice insurance can be purchased but would take a large amount of a nurse practitioner’s income since they do not make as much as a doctor. Sometimes malpractice coverage is included as an employment benefit. Not only do nurse practitioners have to worry about lawsuits but some deal with stress daily. It is like their pati ents’ lives are in their hands, if they come with a problem/injury it is a nurse practitioner’s job to provide a treatment plan. Although, in some cases, a patient cannot be treated or saved which causes the nurse to deal with angry or grieving relatives. On top of this emotional stress that is created they can often have conflicts with the doctors about the diagnosis and/or treatment plan. As shown above being a nurse practitioner does have its cons, but they are things that can be overcome. On the other hand, there are great advantages of being a nurse practitioner including increased independent practice, prescriptive authority, competitive compensation, and endless opportunities. They can gain relationships and trust with their patients. Both their patients and their patients’ families are supported by the nurse. Nurse practitioners monitor the health and lifestyle of their patients at a preventative approach instead of treating a medical problem after it happens. They hold a higher position than a registered nurse but equal to a physician even though they only obtain a master’s degree. Also, they do not have to go through medical school and internships required for doctors. All this allows them to cut the time it takes to start their career. Nurse practitioners have the power to specialize in a specific medical field, such as cardiology or oncology, also focus on a specific area of practice. They have so many potential paths they can choose from and can change their path at any time. A nurse practitioner is not limited to their usual clinical setting. They could take on educating other nurses, conduct medical research, hold a medical-related corporate position, and more. Furthermore, nursing can be very interesting, it is rare that they see the same exact situation more than once. There are new challenges and opportunities to learn everyday they walk into their work place. Another pro is that nursing is a highly secure career pathway due to the shortage of doctors. Most nurse practitioners can practice independently and start their own private practices. In 21 states and District of Columbia nurse practitioners are allowed to practice without a physician. Independent practice is growing rapidly as more and more legislatures are removing the barrier that prevents nurse practitioners from providing healthcare services. Nurse practitioners or nurse practitioner students have a lot of support. For example, they can join the AANP (American Association of Nurse Practitioners) they are known as â€Å"The Voice of the Nurse Practitioner.†This is a group that provides yearly conferences, an online job center, and a place for nurse practitioners to list their businesses. Membership also includes discounted liability insurance and long-term care plans. Dues for the AANP costs $55 a year for a student and $125 a year for an employed nurse practitioner (â€Å"ANCC vs. AANP Certification). Although the path to certification is challenging, it comes with rewarding benefits.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Cyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society Essay - 1396 Words
Introduction There are two specific types of bullying. Bullying in itself and cyber bullying are two of the worst and most aggressive behaviors teenagers are involved in these days. No matter how this problem comes about or what process individuals go through to get to this point, it is an irresponsible yet dangerous form of action. Bullying in any form can cause harm to the victim, even death. Making a choice to be a bully is like that of building a bad character for one’s self. Definition Centers for Disease Control and Department of Education released the first federal uniform definition of bullying. The Center’s define bullying as unwanted aggressive behavior, perceived power imbalance and repetition of behaviors or high likelihood of repetition. Bullying occurs in a direct or an indirect manner. When bullying is direct, the victim is often targeted. However, when the victim is lied about, rumors are spread, and the communication is in a he/she say manner that is known as indirect manner. As defined by, cyber bullying takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technologies such as cell phones, computers, and tablets are used for cyber bullying. To add, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are a few of many social sites that individuals use to bully others. Some examples of cyber bullying include but are not limited to mean text messages and embarrassing photos or videos placed on social media as a willful act. Cyber bullying u suallyShow MoreRelatedCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1536 Words  | 7 PagesBullying has been an extreme issue all around the world for hundreds of years, and since modern technology has advanced, so has cyber bullying. â€Å"‘Gimme’ your lunch money†has turned into texting and posting gruesome threats and embarrassing material all over social media. Millions of kids all over the world have taken their own lives due to the harmful effects of cyber bullying. Problems that cannot be resolved independently are brought to court, and the government has become increasingly involvedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1201 Words  | 5 PagesINTRO Cyber bullying is any form of bullying that takes place over the internet, whether via texts, twitter or other forms of social media. Approximately 52% of children have reported being cyber bullied at one point, or another*. While this number may not seem catastrophic, this statistic is based only on the instances of cyber bullying that have been reported. The reality is that there are many more children who have been cyber bullied, and did not tell anyone that it was happening to them. AnotherRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society1283 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract Social media has become a well known pastime for individuals of today’s society. There are various social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and SnapChat that have open doors for communication and entertainment among people all across the world. Despite the positivity of social media, it is also now being used to cause harm to people. Cyber bullying differs from traditional physical bullying, because it occurs through emails, texts, or social media. The person behind the computerRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society Essay1931 Words  | 8 Pages Cyber-bullying The saying, if sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me was ever true, it sure isn t true today (Alexander, 2011). The survey of 9 years olds in 35 countries found that New Zealand is the one most second highest rate of school bullying. (nzherald, 2012). Especially in this case parents really need to take a stand against bullying to help prevent it and to stop it. We as parents need to be a part of the solution, not the problem. Cyberbullying is harmfulRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1139 Words  | 5 PagesBullying is an escalated issue that has become an epidemic, it happens in schools, on line, in between genders and can literally occur anywhere. Bullying is the act of aggressive behavior in which intimidation and/or physical harming towards another person is involved. It causes an imbalance in which the stronger person or group attacks the weaker and initiates repeated mistreatment towards the same victim over an extended period of t ime. In a situation where insults escalate and bullying arisesRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society2249 Words  | 9 PagesIs Cyber Bullying as Bad as Face-to-Face Bullying â€Å"Some people won’t be happy until they’ve pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away.†(Donna Schoenrock). In this day and age, there are so many new ways to connect with people all over the world through social media. One of the downsides is that it means that there are also new ways to harass others. Cyberbullying means theRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On The Society1288 Words  | 6 PagesPeople do not need to walk out their house to be brought down by the people’s of society, but rather now the people of society can kill them softly right there through their computer screen or cell phone. Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that has been taking place a lot more because of the improvement in technology and increased usage of social media. Something that has not really been established is punishment towards the pe rpetrator. Leading to many deaths of young innocent people, causingRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society1537 Words  | 7 PagesBullying has been going on for generations, it’s not a new topic. That doesn’t mean times haven’t changed. New technology has made it possible for people to bully one another without even having to be near them. This is called â€Å"Cyber Bullying†. Teens are turning electronic devices into â€Å"weapons†by using social networking websites, chat rooms, text messaging, and even more ways possible. Through this they call each other names, demean each other, and even threaten each other. Kids are put in seriousRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society883 Words  | 4 PagesCyber-bullying is the use of electronic communications to bully a person. Cyber-bullying takes place by using the Internet, cell phones, video game systems, and other technology. Cyber-bully sends or posts text or image that is i ntended to hurt feelings or embarrass another person in front of others. Bullying is an aggressive behavior which causes harm and stress to its victims and it escalates over time. Furthermore, everybody has mobile phones and they are using it all day long. There is certainlyRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society2174 Words  | 9 Pages Cyber-bullying has been an ongoing issue for a very long time; overtime it seems as if over the last few years it has progressed even more due to the development and increase of technology. I believe that cyber-bullying has become one of the most difficult issues to resolve in our society. Cyberbullying can be such a difficult thing to face in a world like today. The victim is usually bullied by an individual or a group of individuals who use this as a way to cope and make themselves feel better
Monday, December 9, 2019
Detailed Lesson Plan in English free essay sample
I. Objectives At the end of a 30-minute period, the Grade II pupils will be able to: 1. Identify the use of the Three Degree of Comparison of Adjectives. 2. Describe persons, animals, places or things using The Three Degree of Comparison. 3. Appreciate the differences of every individual or thing in their daily lives. II. Subject Matter Three Degree of Comparison of Adjectives Reference/s: Teacher Angelyn ( November 29, 2008) . Three Degree of Comparison of Adjectives. Retrieved February 12,2014, http://tx. english-ch. com/teacher/angelyn/level-a/three-degree-of-comparison-of-adjectives/ PELC Speaking 12, 12. 2, Reading 4 English Communication Arts for Elem. School 2, Josefina Suarez, pp. 286-289 Material/s: Visual Aids, Graphic Organizer, Pictures and Hand-outs. Values: Appreciate and respect every difference because all of them are unique. III. Procedure A. Learning Activities Teacher’s Activity â€Å"Good Morning class†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Let us start this day with a prayer. †(Checking of Attendance†¦ say present) â€Å"Class how are you today? †â€Å"Have you done anything special during the weekends? †â€Å"Let us first do a warm up exercise to loosen up your bodies. Let us sing the song â€Å"I’ve got Peace like a River†while adding actions to the lyrics. †â€Å"Are you ready? †Student’s Activity â€Å"Good Morning Ma’am†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (One pupil assigned in class will lead the prayer) (Pupils will say present once their name is called) â€Å"We are fine ma’am! †â€Å"We †¦(Pupils answer what they did during the weekends)†(Pupils prepare themselves for the warm up) â€Å"Yes ma’am! †Warm up song I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river in my soul, I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river in my soul. I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul, I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul. I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul, I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul. â€Å"So did you enjoy the song? †â€Å"Class before we start the lesson I will first discuss to you our lesson objectives for the day. †â€Å"Now that you know what are our objectives for the day what are your thoughts about it? †(The teacher uses a hook to get the attention of the pupils) â€Å"Class, do you have friends, pets or something that is different from the normal? Or rather unique? †â€Å"Do you love, appreciate and take care of them? †â€Å"Very good. Our story for today is entitled The Ugly Duckling. (Tells the story entitled â€Å"The Ugly Duckling†) â€Å"So how do you find the story? Was it good? †â€Å"What have you learned from the story class? †â€Å"Very good, Any other ideas? â€Å"Yes it’s true. Do not tell harsh words or do bad things to others. It is because all of us are unique in our own different ways†(Pupils voice out their opinion about the song) (Pupils listen to the teacher as she discusses the lesson objectives for today) (Pupils voice out their thoughts and opinions about the lesson objectives) â€Å"Yes maam! â€Å"Yes we do maam! †(Pupils listen to the story that the teacher tells) â€Å"Yes ma’am! †â€Å"Not to judge others ma’am†â€Å"Do not bully other because of their differences ma’am. †B. Lesson Proper Presentation â€Å"Class, listen as I read to you this short rhyme. This is about the three girls in the picture. †Oh, if you could only see, Who among the sisters three Is small, smaller and smallest, I think that would be best. But if you still can tell, Who among them as well, Is stout, stouter and stoutest, Surely, you have passed the test â€Å"Okay class, read the rhyme out loud. †â€Å"Class, what is the rhyme about? †â€Å"Which are the adjectives in the rhyme? †Motivation â€Å"So you read out loud and successfully answered the questions correctly. The purpose of those is to let you have a grasp for our topic for today. â€Å"Now that I have told you this, do you kids have a clue what our lesson for today is? †â€Å"Very good! Our lesson for today is about the Three Degree of Comparison of Adjectives! †Discussion â€Å"So do you know what comparison is? †â€Å"Let’s read aloud the definition of comparison of adjectives. Altogether now. †â€Å"So is it clear now what comparison of adjective is? †â€Å"There are three degrees of adjectives namely: positive degree, comparative degree and superlative degree†(The teacher explains each degrees and give examples) â€Å"So now, do you understand the three degrees of comparison in adjectives? Any question? †Analysis â€Å"Let’s see if you really do understand. Let us have some volunteers who will go to the board and supply and fill the blanks in the table. †â€Å"Let us read aloud what your classmates have written on the board and let us see if they answered it correctly. †â€Å"So now, is everything clear? Any more questions? Clarifications? †Generalization â€Å"So in general, there are three degrees of comparison of adjectives, these are: positive degree, comparative degree and superlative degree. Each degree has their specific rule and use†Application â€Å"If you don’t have any questions we will have a group activity. †â€Å"Group yourselves into five (5), and choose the one next or closer to your seat. †(The teacher assigns the area where each group will occupy) â€Å"Now go to your group members and settle yourselves. †â€Å"I will give you a piece of paper which has three (3) columns and you will answer or fill blanks when I raise a certain word. †â€Å"Okay, let’s start. †(The teacher will raise a paper with an adjective in it. ) (Pupils prepare themselves to listen. ) (Pupils’ read aloud the rhyme) (Ask one pupil to answer) (Ask pupils to dictate the adjectives used) â€Å"Our topic for today ma’am is about degree of comparison†â€Å"No ma’am†(Pupils will read the definition of comparison) â€Å"Yes ma’am†(Pupils pay attention to the teacher’s discussion) â€Å"Yes ma’am†(Pupils will go to front and write the answers. ) (The pupils will read the words in the blank) â€Å"Yes ma’am. No ma’am. †(Pupils listen as the teacher generalize the topic) (Pupils will group themselves. ) (The pupils will write their answer in the paper that was given to them. ) IV. Evaluation V. Assignment
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Social problems in teenagers free essay sample
In recent years, the social problems involving teenagers has been increase. We can hear or read about social problems or even crime which done by a teenagers in very young age through news in television or newspaper. These social problems involve murder, theft, take drug, violence and crime. Many people believe that this is because parents spend more and more time at work and has less time to supervise their children. However, I do not believe this is true. The reasons of why teenagers involve in social problem not only parents’ responsible. Social ills not only because of parents but can be associated with progress that we achieved at present. There are several factors trigger this phenomenon such as influence of friends, influence of media, internal conflict, drug abuse and religion. Firstly, peer pressure is another big problem that some teens go through in order to try to fit into a crowd. We will write a custom essay sample on Social problems in teenagers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Friends are most important supporter to the teenagers, especially to the teenagers that do not have parents’ love. They stick to their friends together, meet everyday in school and hanging out with them. The teenagers prefer to share their secrets, problem, happiness and sadness with their friends rather than parents. Therefore, the friends are the most powerful people who can influence teenagers to involve in social problems. Friends manage to influence the decision of teenagers, change their thinking and built their confidence. If the teenagers have good and kind peers, then the teenagers will have good attitude and discipline as they are inspired to be good students. However, if teenagers unfortunate and associate themselves with bad friends, then they will influence by their friends to do crime such as become gangsters and violence. They just follow the steps of their friends and do not recognize the good and bad behaviors. Secondly, the media such as television, films, and internet also influence the teenagers to involve in social problems. It is undeniable that we are all influenced by things that happen to us. The media are one of the main activities of human being, so we cannot help but be influenced by them. Besides, the teenagers are fast learner and expertise in using modern technologies. The technologies are suppose to make our life better and help us to finish our work on time. However, some teenagers abuse the technologies and straying from the actual uses of the technologies. For example, the teenagers can use internet to search unnecessary websites such as pornography and sex tapes. These will influence teenagers’ thinking and make them do crime such as rape. Some teenagers like to watch violence movie or murder film. These can also make them to become insane to kill or beat people. They feel great to do such things. The media nowadays are trying to influence our youth to be rebellious teenagers.
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