Monday, January 27, 2020
Mainstream Media In Malaysia
Mainstream Media In Malaysia The mainstream media in Malaysia has always been perceived as a key pillar of change for the most of the government policies. Nowadays, media play a role as helping to widespread information content, news coverage, ideas, opinions, and entertainment to gigantic audiences. According to the definition, media is defined as a channel that able to transfer messages to reach broad audiences in term of mass communication. Furthermore an array of media is available such as print media, broadcast media, Internet and etc. Print media is a medium by using printed materials to publish the information which is include newspaper, books, magazine, and broachers. In opposite, broadcast media is using electronic to send message that include devices of televisions, radio, CDs, and the other. Lastly, Internet also considered as one of the effective and latest technology that allows users to access to the web in anytime and anywhere you can. Internet contains emails, webpages, blogs, graphics, video download and social networking that could reach globally and nationally. As such government tends to use the variety of media to spread 1Malaysia concept around the globe and encourage Malaysia citizens to build a peaceful and harmony world. Advertisement is one of the effective ways in promoting, so government chooses to publish through the advertising that exert direct and indirect influence to increase the awareness of Malaysia citizen. Besides, they can also easily expose to the media content which is related to 1Malaysia concept in webpage, blogs, graphics and video as well. Government highlights the important of 1 Malaysia concept by repeating the advertising and audiences tend to remember the messages. The goal of 1 Malaysia concept is aim to achieve unity among different races, religions, beliefs and culture. At the same time, government needs media to approach to citizens and communicate towards the concept of 1 Malaysia. The Malaysia Government has putting much effort in promoting the concept by using mainstream media such as playing patriotic songs and Rukun Negara through television and radio. During Merdeka day, newspapers have also published wide range of topic about political and our multi racial country. Those publish materials not only helps to strengthen our national unity, the audiences also affected by the media after they saw the slogans in advertising. As a conclusion, government use mainstream media as a powerful tool to encourage the acceptance of the concept by the citizens of Malaysia. 1 Malaysia concept can be strengthens and generate desired outcome. Discussion Limited effect theory According to the Paradigm Shift, media were conceptualized as rarely have powerful and has direct influence towards the audiences. Media might have certain effect, but it is indirect influence as audiences always been affected by the people who surrounding them and opinion leaders. They can be influenced by variety factors such as individual interpretation, personal status, environment, education and etc. Besides, Lazarsfeld and Hovland also argued that effect of media towards audiences is limited and they disagree what implied in mass society theory. Lazarsfeld had developed a research study to measure the media influence and proof that media is powerless on shaping public opinion. And this theory is defined as Limited Effect Theory. It shows that there are minority of people were behaving vulnerable and tend to rely on mass media. Lazarsfeld and Hovland try to have better understanding towards media so they developed a media studies. They wish that media could be control well and use it in a proper way. But unfortunately, they realized that media were not as powerful as implied in mass society theory. Lazarsfeld believes in inductive approach which is start from empirical observation and develops a theory. From his research observation argued that if media is powerful, the propaganda is tend to reinforce and influences the voters candidate choice. And the results shows that majority of people are influences from others who surrounding them more than the media content. Thus, the gate keepers act as the opinion leaders that persuade and lead those opinion followers decision. They are the one who interpret the media information carefully and share their own view with the others. This also referred as two step flow. Based on this theory, opinion leaders own a characteristic such as active, aggressive, heavy media user and talkative which is usually tend to shape public opinion. In opposite, opinion followers are those who tend to follow. In conclusion, media is powerless in term on influence viewers opinion. For example, we are educated since we are young, so we are able to interpret the message from media and choose what to believe or not to believe. Media is lack powerful to convert viewers mind and beliefs as they got ability to analyze the media content, but not being vulnerable towards the manipulation of media and propaganda. Moreover, viewers also will base on their own different interpretation and influences to select whether to trust the media. Some of them might receive it differently, some of them might been influenced by their group membership as well. Opinion and views From my personal opinion, I am being neutral for the usage of mainstream media to promote 1 Malaysia concept. Media is able to effect audiences but with limited influences. The influence that occurs is indirectly which is based on individual differences. Government publishes about the important of unity among racial through television, radio, newspaper or Internet, but viewers can choose to receive the information or reject the messages. Promoting 1 Malaysia concept is not only relies on mainstream media to achieve the desired outcome; Malaysia government should have to consider individuals from different background, status, education and etc. Audiences have been educated since young, so they have held strong beliefs and certain mind set. Mass media is not so easily can change their attitude and behaviors in a short period of time. In fact, audiences are not vulnerable or just been force to receive the information from media. They can interpret and analyze, they will also get influenced through the interactive from the others as well. For example, they might receive the message from the 1 Malaysia advertising, but they are influenced by people who are surrounding them. Discussion 2 Diffusion of Innovation In another discussion, I will base on the diffusion of innovation theory which is explained how innovations are introduced and adopted by various communities. This theory was successfully developed by Everett M. Rogers and he extended the two step flow theory. There are 5 stages of info diffusion theory which is including innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. The adoption process usually begins from innovators. They are people who are knowledgeable; well- educated and tends to be aware about certain information from mass media. In this situation, when government use mainstream media to promote about 1 Malaysia concept. Innovators are more aware about the message and interprets based on their own knowledge. They expose to the media content, and understand about the functioning of 1 Malaysia concept. Moreover, they also gained education information towards the advertising such as Rukun Negara or patriotic songs; they will be behave more alert and remember the messages. Next, the innovation process will be adopted by a small group of people which is known as early adopters. They are the individual who are interested and try to seek for more details information after they saw the advertising. Most of the time, people tend to follow when the early adopters adapt to the innovation. In such, early adopters will take some necessary action after they exposed to the 1Malaysia advertising or media content. They will try to increase the unity among different races by giving commitment, organizing open house activity or be more aggressive to participate in patriotic events. Besides that, early majority is located in the third stage of process. At the same time they also referred as an opinion leaders. Early majority usually observe and refer to the innovators decision than only make the last decision. They own a characteristic such as active, aggressive, talkative, credibility and etc, so people tend to follow and believe the decision made by early majority when they share their views and opinions. Additionally, early majority always play a role as encourage and influence people in decision making. Based on the 1 Malaysia concept, early majority tend to persuade the opinion followers to believe and accept the the 1 Malaysia concept t that published by Malaysia government. They have the ability to motivate the others and successfully generate the desired objectivity of 1 Malaysia concept. For example, opinion leaders might encourage people to participate themselves in Malaysia patriotic events, and opinion followers will agree and follow his decision. During the fourth stage of innovation process, those opinion followers are tend to believe on the opinion leaders by giving full commitment. Opinion leaders will share their opinion, views, and past experiences to shape the public opinion. In this case, they are usually popular among the group, or an influential people. For example, opinion leaders convey the 1 Malaysia concept and sharing based on his own opinion. What he speck out is trustworthy and credibility, in such peoples are influenced by the opinion leaders and they will support and believe in his decision making. Lastly the end of the adoption process is the laggards. They also referred as the late majority. They can either be very traditional or more isolated in social system, as they not dare to take the risk and believe the information which is publish in mass media. Compare to the others, they usually take much longer time to adopt innovation and make changes. Based on the usage of mainstream media to promote the 1 Malaysia concepts, they might be the last group of people that try to move on and make changes. For example, they just try to expose and participate themselves in Malaysia patriotic events while the others already joined for many times. Media manipulation often involves government or corporate propaganda and spin. Sometimes organizations and governments can feed fake news or politically or ideologically slanted stories to broadcasters which depict them as quality news items and journalism. In this way, the media can truly serve as a catalyst for development, he added. patriotic spiri to more strongly emphasise national unity and efficient governance. It is a principle that intends to guide and build a united and progressive nation. The concept is aimed at inculcating the spirit of togetherness and a sense of belonging among Malaysians, regardless of race, religion and creed.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Globalization is only for Developed Countries Essay
In the 1990s, the term globalization gained the popularity. At that time, globalization had become phenomena with an aura of an elemental force, almost similar to that of time and gravity. In simple words Globalization means that the same products will be available in all the countries of the world. It also means economic integration and a world united by the web. This glorious ideal made us think that if globalization would stay on with all its perks with falling trade barriers, leaving countries batter off economically and that it will reduce the widening gap between the rich and the poor. It was believed that the removal of the barriers to trade and foreign investment would result in a dynamic change in the way a company anywhere in the world would do business. It was hoped that the integration would prove beneficial to all. In the 1990s the iron curtain disappeared and trade barriers started falling, the gifts of several rounds of WTO, the Western and Japanese entrepreneurs started looking far beyond there borders for highly beneficial deals, cheap labor new markets and a very big lot of new customers. Nobel Laureate, Stiglitz (2002) rightly interpreted the situations of developing countries in his illustrative work Globalization and Its Discontents. He says; â€Å"Small developing countries are like small boats. Rapid capital market liberalization, in the manner pushed by the IMF, amounted to setting them off on a voyage on a rough sea, before the holes in their hulls have been repaired, before the captain has received training, before life vests have been put on board. Even in the best of circumstances, there was a high likelihood that they would be overturned when they were hit broadside by a big wave (p. 17). †With the end of World War II globalization started taking shape in a big way. In 1975, there were still only 7000 MNCs compared to more than 60000 today. A maddening race for going global began from opening up a two-man sales office to chalking out a countrywide network. Companies had to be big and they had to be universal. By the 1990s no one was alien to the charms of the phenomenon called globalization. The intellects of the world-entrepreneurs, economists, celebrities and politicians traveled around the world to tell us how small the world was getting. We were told to think globally and act locally. However, soon the reality dawned. The developed nations have discarded the moth-eaten policy and adopted an open-shutter strategy in coping with the developing nations. In the past they donned an apologetic camouflage and devised subtle and under-the-counter means to bring the developing countries round to their point of view, they at least acknowledged their sensitivities and treated them as members, no matter how low-grade, of the homo sapiens species. But now they have thrown all pretence to the winds and, without mincing words, dictated their terms to the developing world. Even Kipling had the decency to spell out the Western concern for the ‘uncivilized’ people of the third world by treating them as ‘the white man’s burden’. He was deeply committed to their improvement and had probably hatched some fantastic schemes to pull them out of their ‘savage’ state. But the present day reformers make no bones about it. They shamelessly believe that the condition of the third world countries is simply irretrievable and no amount of logic and persuasion can help them out of their ugly predicament. Therefore they now rely on dictation as a prescription for their conversation and have imposed their brand of progress and prosperity spineless people of the third world. And they are least bothered about their preferences and priorities.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Using Mixed Method: Both Qualitative & Quantitative Research
BackgroundOnce upon a time there was a successful line of convenience stores. We'll call this group of stores â€Å"QuickStop†. At some point a staff-member realised that QuickStop seemed to be patronised by many more men than women. This was passed along to the management team and they asked the store tellers to informally keep track of the proportions of men to women who came into their stores. It turned out that the theory seemed to hold true, and in fact far more men patronized QuickStop than did women.This information was passed along to the other managers at other QuickStop stores and they found the same trend. This received some higher level management attention and they began to wonder why this was occurring. Eventually management made the decision that this was too large a group of potential customers to lose, and a decision was eventually made to study this phenomenon and to understand why it was taking place, and if anything could be done about it.Research Objective A research project was designed to understand how women felt about shopping at QuickStop stores and why. It was decided that this research should be qualitative and the specific methodology would be In-depth-Interviews (this is research with one professional interviewer and one respondent at a time – in this case the decision was made because there were suspicions that there could be sensitive issues that wouldn't be discussed as candidly in a group setting).Qualitative ResearchAbout two dozen current or potential female customers were paid to come into a research facility to discuss the use of convenience stores in general, and later in the interviews the discussion was directed specifically to QuickStop convenience stores, in particular. The results were very surprising to the management team. The major qualitative findings included the following:i. Women viewed convenience stores to be primarily designed for men, with little or no consideration for women,ii. The bathroo ms at convenience stores were believed to be the dirtiest that could be found in a city – â€Å"gross†was the most common description – and that perception permeated everything that women felt about convenience stores in generaliii. QuickStop was seen as one of the worst of convenience stores â€Å"kind of the place for a man to buy gas, get a six-pack of cheap beer and cigarettes, but not the kind of place I want to go†.Quantitative ResearchOnce the management team had an understanding of what issues they faced with female customers, they felt that they needed to understand how broadly these beliefs were held. Now they needed to get some hard numbers, and that meant that they needed to conduct quantitative market research. The research objective for this phase of research were:i. Understand how female customers of QuickStop differ from those that don't regularly visit these stores.ii. Understand whether or not a renovation of QuickStop could entice each group to visit more frequently (or at all depending on whether the respondent currently avoided QuickStop entirely).For the quantitative phase of research they decided to conduct 250 telephone interviews with a combination of female respondents. The requirements to participate in this phase of research were that: half of the respondents stated that they had used QuickStop at least five times in the last year, and the other half admitted to intentionally avoiding QuickStop altogether, although they did use other brands of convenience stores. The major results from the quantitative phase indicated that:a. Over 76% of all female QuickStop customers were women under 30 years old, without children, while women with children and with higher incomes were 5 times less likely to shop at QuickStopb. The good news was that of the women who didn't currently use QuickStop, 64% said that if these stores were to update their color schemes, clean up their bathrooms and update their health and f eminine products that they would be willing to try QuickStop again.The two phases of research (qualitative + quantitative) gave the QuickStop management team a very good understanding of where they currently stood with female customers and why. Their quantitative research also indicated that those women who were not currently using their stores would â€Å"forgive†them if they changed their ways. Their decision now was to decide if gaining more middle-aged women as customers was worth the cost of updating their stores and spending more money to keep them clean and neat, and better stocked with the types of products that middle-aged women with children needed.Research note: in general when conducting two phases of research (in this case qualitative and quantitative market research) it's most often the case that the first phase (qualitative research) is conducted first as a â€Å"lead-in†. Qualitative research tends to help the management team understand the underlying issues, and the second phase (quantitative in this case) helps to understand how pervasive/wide spread these feelings/attitudes are among a certain target audience.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay on Psychological Look at Aileen Wuornos - 1224 Words
Profile: Aileen Wuornos Nature vs. Nurture: Aileen was born in 1956 to her 16 year old mother. She was not born with any physical or mental disabilities. At the time of her birth her father was incarcerated for child molestation and he was also believed to be a schizophrenic, he hung himself in jail and Aileen never met him. When Aileen was 3 years old her mother abandoned her and her 4 year old brother and left them with her own parents who legally adopted them. The family struggled economically and by age 11 Aileen would engage in sexual activities for food, drugs and alcohol. Home life was not easy for Aileen as she claims to be sexually abused by her alcoholic grandfather and beaten by her grandmother. She would also engage in†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å" Aileen was forced to make her grandfather happy as well as his friends so she did what she knew they wanted because otherwise they got angry and forced her to so to avoid disappointment she did things that in her mind were okay because they were the only thing she knew. Erik Erikson also gives us a stage theory of development. Stage 1: Basic Trust vs. Mistrust ages 0-1 year In this stage the child learns to feel comfortable with parents and trusts their care or develops a deep mistrust that makes them feel unsafe. Although Aileen’s mother did not leave her until age 3 she neglected them at a very young age and Aileen did not have a father to nurture her either. Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Ages:1-3 years This refers to learning a sense of competence by learning to feed self, use toilet, play alone or feels ashamed and doubts one’s own abilities. Aileen grew up having to do a lot of those things for herself and having to take matters into her own hands so she became very developed in this stage. Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt Ages: 3-5 years In this stage the toddler gains ability to use own initiative in planning and carrying out plans; or if cannot live within parents limits develops a sense of guilt over misbehavior. Wuornos grandparent’s limits were distorted and so from a young age she was confused and never developed a sense of guilt. Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority Ages : 5-11years In this stage anShow MoreRelatedAileen Wuornos Essay3375 Words  | 14 PagesAileen Carol Wuornos: The Life of a Serial Killer â€Å"I robbed them, and I killed them as cold as ice, and I would do it again, and I know I would kill another person because Ive hated humans for a long time.†(Wuornos, 1999-2010) These words came from Aileen Wuornos after she was arrested for the murders of seven men during the course of a year. 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